Getting On Twitter’s Bandwagon

If you don’t have a Twitter account yet, you must have been wondering what is so charming about it that all your folks are in that wagon. Twitter is a social networking site that enables people to share ideas through short texts popularly known as tweets. Twitter is considered as a micro-blogging service due to the users’ ability to post information in the form of texts, images and videos and share with friends across the globe.

Signing up for a Twitter account

Getting an account in Twitter is pretty simple; all you need is to go to the website, hit the sign up button and give your basic information like username, password and your email. Then you can set your profile with your additional details concerning yourself such as marital status, your locality and a brief description of who you are and what you like. You can as well upload your photo as a profile picture so that your friends will recognize you much easily. Within a few minutes of the set up; which is quite simple, your Twitter account should be up and running.

Getting friends to follow you

In order to have a better tweeting experience in Twitter, you need to get as many people following you. Following a friend means you are able to share information either through tweeting or instant message chatting. Although your general profile may be accessible publicly, only those friends whom you follow each other can share information with you. You can choose what to share in public and what not to. You can as well choose the friends you want to follow and share information with.

Why you should be on Twitter

One of the reasons why you should have a Twitter account is that it becomes quite easy to keep in touch with friends, make new friends and keep updated on what is happening around you. If you are having a business, you can use Twitter to communicate to your clients and let them know the kinds of products you are offering and at white prices.

Many businesses in your locality should also be having Twitter accounts. This means you can get to know what they are selling and at which terms. This can help you in making budget choices and also ensuring you get the best deals without having to ask in person fro each of the businesses. There are endless benefits of being in Twitter, and the most convenient way to know these benefits is by signing up for an account.

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